Why do I do what I do?
I could give you a lot of reasons. I mean first and foremost, I do what I do because God has called me to do it. I mean, sure that’s a great “missionary” answer and what not, but it is actually true. If I didn't feel like God was supporting me and instructing me, I wouldn't be here. Why? Because that would mean he had something better in mind.

I love interacting with teenage girls. Yeah, I’m not far from my teenage years in age, but God has taken me far from the mess I was as a teenager in high school. I enjoy being able to share my story and still share a laugh. I love leading them in prayer and then hearing them say, “I feel so much lighter now. Like, I feel like a physical weight has come off of my shoulders.” Most of all, I love being there when they hear God speaking to them. When they hear God whisper, “I love you.”
I could give you a lot of reasons. I mean first and foremost, I do what I do because God has called me to do it. I mean, sure that’s a great “missionary” answer and what not, but it is actually true. If I didn't feel like God was supporting me and instructing me, I wouldn't be here. Why? Because that would mean he had something better in mind.
Next, is that I do this because I love it. Yep! I love it. Here are the things I love about it:
I love being able to do what I do best; hanging out, making friends, speaking truth. These are legitimate gifts God has given me. I love making friends. And what I love even more is when I have the opportunity to see transformation in the friends I make.

I love that I can have fun. I love having fun, it’s so important to me! I love that I get to lead others into fun and that God is having fun with me. I love that my life is far from boring.
I mean, who wouldn't want to play with a 6 ft soccer ball? |
I do what I do because I love doing it and because God loves me doing it.
Plain and simple.
If you would like to know more about what I do, visit our website at http://www.ywamlouisville.org/. Or click here to go directly to the staff pages to meet my YWAM family.
If you would like to know more about what I do, visit our website at http://www.ywamlouisville.org/. Or click here to go directly to the staff pages to meet my YWAM family.